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  • Bride Frankenstein Toddler Costume

Bride Frankenstein Toddler Costume

Product #: WC62054


Availability: Out of stock

Regular: $ 35.51

Sale: $ 30.88
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Item Description

Bride Frankenstein Toddler Costume

Our Bride of Frankenstein Toddler Costume includes an aged-looking white dress with a spooky darkened hemline and a printed sleeves that look like wrapped gauze. Also comes with a soft stuffed cloth headpiece that looks like her tall wig with the wavy white streaks! Makeup and shoes are not included. Made of 100% polyester. Spot clean with damp cloth, air dry. Toddler Medium fits size 3T-4T. ï Universal Studios LLC. All Rights Reserved Material: Polyester
License: NBC Universal Universal Monsters Bride of Frankenstein

Brand: Disguise Costumes

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